Sunday, August 21, 2011

Story-A-Day #283: Ornament


It was his first time coming here, so she was a little nervous. She wanted to make sure everything was just right.

The sand dollars, she thought, were a nice touch. They had talked about them once, how they had been used by currency by some ancient tribe in some forgotten corner of the world.

"Imagine if, in a thousand years time, people were selling off hundred dollar bills for a few dollars as souvenirs of the pre-digital age," he had suggested with a smile. "It could actually happen like that. Thousand dollar bills could be as valuable as a few sand dollars once currency finally goes all digital."

That was, quite possibly, the moment she knew she was in love, or at the very least well on her way. He had a strange way of looking at things that was well in tune with her own.

It was refreshing to be able to voice her thoughts and not worry that they might be misconstrued as odd and peculiar. It was a relief to be able to be her self around someone she considered her equal.

When he arrived, they would open a bottle of wine and fall into a comfortably off kilter discussion, then throw some food on the barbecue. The make shift mobile, hanging over that barbecue, was her tribute to their early discussions and a subtle reminder of that conversation from a few weeks prior.

She was confident he would remember it because he remembered everything she said. He clung to every statement of fact or opinion as though it were gospel: the gospel of the non-religious.

It was a perfect religion shared perfectly between them, and she was happy they shared it.

She gave the mobile a flick and listened to the soft clunk of old world money.

It was a decent ornament, and a perfect tribute. She could already hear his approving chuckle, the best currency of all.

With that realization, her nerves slowly faded away. It would be a great weekend. She would bank on that for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone. Please excuse auto corrected errors!

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