Monday, November 7, 2011

Story-A-Day #361: A Reminder


There is a spackling of snow on the ground outside, which normally would depress me a little.  Today though, I find that it serves as a reminder about a time when things wetre better.  Not in some crazy world-altering way, but just better, more simple.

Mostly, what I find cheers me up the most on days like today is thinking back to the summer when all was well.  There is a simple sense of peace that comes with the easy days of summer.

What I will miss most through the long cold winter is canoeing though.  There is something both tranquilizing and invigorating in heading out on the lake by yourself in a sixteen foot fibreglass canoe.

The sun beats down from above, baking your naked back and neck as you pull the paddle through the water, long, deep pulls into the light wind.  The front of the canoe weaves back and forth across the surface of the lake, small waves lapping around the bow.

A dragonfly skitters down out of the skies and alights on the gunwale of the canoe, its wings twitching gently with anticipation.

You slice the paddle through the water, pulling hard towards yourself and curving it outwards in a j-stroke to maintain the straight projectory you have chosen.

It will be months before you can comfortably escape in such a fashion, but for the time being, it is almost enough knowing that eventually you will be able to.  Eventually, you will be back out on the lake, fighting against nature for a small moment of piece.  It's nice to have that as a reminder of things to come.

It is nice to have something to look forward to.

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