Sunday, November 6, 2011

Story-A-Day #360: Airwaves


What could they possibly be broadcasting from this thing?  It's been at least a decade since anything commercial was broadcast over the airwaves, and yet, this tower is the target, and it was heavily guarded.

Military, maybe?  It's possible, but the guards were definitely civilian.  Private contractors.  You can always pick them out because of their thick necks and the tendency to have necks as big as the average thigh.  Still, they were the easy part.  The other thing with private military is that they operate under a false sense of arrogance and pride.

They think they are the best of the best, but they have no idea what they are up against this time.  The world is not what it used to be.  the world has changed.

I might be an army of one, but an army of many lives within me.  I have come to detroy this tower, and in order to do so, I destroyed their pathetic little army.  They were neither men, nor soldiers.  They were scared boys playing dress up.  They were victims of  a war they did not sign on for.

I plant the final charge and take a moment to watch as the digital display slowly counts down towards zero.  I have plenty of time to make my mistake.  I will be compensated for my efforts within the hour.

Out of curiosity, I pull an antiquated device from my pack and slowly turn the knob.  Static hisses out of the small, portable radio.  I continue scanning the dial until a faint, feeble noise breaks through the white noise.

"If you can here this, we have a cure.  We have broken down the genometric sequence and have figured out what this is all about.  We need to be delivered safely.  There is a cure.  We are at 79 degrees 24 degrees west and 43 degrees 40 degrees north.  Please come find us."

Brow furrowed, I glance down at the digital clock as it slowly clicks towards zero.  There are too many units planted.  There is too little time.  It suddenly dawns on me that I have done something horribly wrong.  This is not what I signed up for.  With less than a minute on the clock, I flee into the woods.  for now, it is all I can do.

I set my mind to make things right, but I will have to be cautious.  They can't know what I know, my employers, or it is all going to be for nothing.  The ground ripples beneath my feet and I realize that I have ruined something important.  I have destroyed an importnat message, but I will make ammends.

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