Sunday, July 3, 2011

Story-A-Day #234: A Game Of Chicken


How far is too far in a game of chicken? It's a fine line between daring and dumb, so how can we truly tell before we have gone past the point of no return?

We have filters that dictate right or wrong, ones that help preserve our existence, but it is not like that for everyone.

Not all creatures are graced with the processing capabilities of humankind.

Take the chicken for example, the most able and delicious of the poultry world. A dare to lay an egg for a hen would be a simple task. A dare to wake a farmer at the crack of dawn would be just as simple for a rooster.

When it comes to getting stuffed though, how far is too far?

A can of beer up the keister might be considered so. A plucking of the feathers and down, equally so.

A game if chicken is the greatest gamble of all as it is near impossible to differentiate between what is safe and what is reckless.

It starts with the process itself and sometimes in the midst of the game it is best to tell your opponent to get stuffed.

If you don't, you run the risk of getting cooked. Keep in min though, that a refusal to accept the odds will likely end in a solid roasting regardless.

That is the risk you run in a game of chicken.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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