Saturday, October 8, 2011

Story-A-Day #331: How To Save A Life


I had my earbuds in so I almost didn't notice her standing in the shadows.  In fact, there is no reason why I should have noticed her at all.  She called out to me, and somehow I heard her hushed voice over the music that filled my head.  Two simple words that froze me in my tracks.

"Help me."

I paused, pulling the buds from my ears and tucking them casually into the pocket on the chest of my shirt.  As I did, I scanned my surroundings, looking for where the voice might have come from.  the moon was ful in the sky above and it cast eerie shadows over the construction site to my right as it danced through the drifitng clouds.

"Hello?" I called out uncertainly into the night.  "Is there somebody there?"

It was then that I caught the flicker of white in one of the half finished houses.  At first I thought it might be a stray piece of plastic blowing in the breeze, but there was a fluidity to the movement that made it seem unlikely.

"Hello," I called out again.  "Is everything okay?"

I took a few tentative steps towards the house just as the voice repeated the same two words with a sense of hushed urgency.  "Help me."  It was almost like it was in my mind, and not actually a voice at all.

I quickly crossed the dirt yard and stepped into the house, pausing just inside the doorway.  I was about to head upstairs when I caught annother flash of white in the basement.  I slowly made my way down the stairs, calling out quietly as I did.  "Hello?"

"Have you come to help me?" the voice asked in the same sultry monotone.  I turned quickly and found myself face-to-face with a beautiful woman.  He emerald eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, and her alabaster skin gleamed, almost fading into the fabric of her shear white gown.

"What's the matter?" I asked, feeling surprisingly calm as she stepped towards me.

She placed her hands on my chest and I was surprised by how cold they were.  She leaned in close, her mouth right by my ear, and placed her cold ruby lips against my neck.  It was a little early for a reward, but I was powerless to object.  A moment later, I felt a sharp pinch on my neck, but I was immobilised, unable to step back or retreat.

As I stood there, powerless against her, I felt my knees grow week.  My vision started to blur around the edges and I gave in to the powerful feeling of dread, my final words echoing through my head.  "What's the matter..."

She replied, almost as though she could hear the pitiful mantra reverbrating through my head, through my blood.  Again, it was as though her voice was coming from within me.  "I was so hungry, but you have saved me."

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