You’d think I’d no better by now. Three years in a row of this, and I still haven’t learned my lesson. I’d be frolicking around in the autumn leaves and chasing after pigeons while everyone else slaved away.
“You’ll regret doing that,” they would tell me. “Winter is going to be here before you know it and you’ll have nothing to show.”
I would laugh at them, working so hard, that intent focus taking over their lives. Of course winter was coming, but that didn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy the last of the warm weather did it? I would scamper around town, yelling down at them from the power lines above, leaping from tree to tree, and they would just shake their heads in disdain.
Three years.
I know I should have listened. I did a little foraging and stocked up a bit, but I never take it far enough. I never make sure that there will be enough “to get me through”.
Now here I am, drowning in this horrible snow, freezing my tail off like a common chipmunk. I could be nestled up all tight like a decent squirrel, but instead, I’m knocking frozen apples out of trees and gnawing on twigs.
The bird feeders are a blessing, obviously, but those damn ravens get pretty territorial. Hell, I’ve even by run off by chickadees! Seriously, you get enough of those little bastards together and they’ll send you off with your tail between your legs.
It’s not the gathering that gets you down though. Sure, it’s harder to find a decent amount of food, but it’s the effort of getting around that really drains you. That snow will swallow you whole if you let it, and you burn at least three times as many calories covering half the distance.
Things will be different next year. I’ll have a pile of nuts that will last me a lifetime! I just need to make it through the winter first. A few of these apples will tide me over for a bit, then I’ll be back out on the prowl.
Back on the feeder circuit fighting for my life against those damned winged marauders. Hey, if you happen to have any extra nuts lying around, don’t be shy! Scatter them around and I’ll be sure to clean up the mess for you. Better yet, string together a nice garland of buttery popcorn and cranberries. That’s always a treat…
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