Friday, August 31, 2012

Story-A-Day #425: Pattern Recognition


There are undeniable patterns in each of our lives, moments where random becomes concrete.  Throughout each waking moment, there are instances of circumstance that are too randomly perfect that they become hard to ignore.

I am intrigued by the effect that the random has on the routine...

There are moments where you encounter nothing but green (or red) lights while driving along a single stretch of road.  Is that because you are meant to arrive earlier (or later) at your destination, or is it simply chance?

Have you ever had a day where a singular reference seems to arise on a supernatural basis?  Maybe it is a number, or a colour, or a person - whatever the instance is, it is always a little off-putting.

When a specific number comes up periodically throughout your day, you usually won't notice.  That is our nature...  But if you pay special attention, you will start noticing these random moments becoming a little less random.

You find yourself sitting in a cafe one day, talking to a friend about someone neither one of you have seen in ages.  At first, you think nothing of it, because you were simple reminiscing.  But when you encounter that person the next day, you can't help but wonder how weird it is that you were just talking about them.

There are infinite patterns in life, from the routes we take through our daily march, to  the more complex machinations.  We are the result of our choices and movements, but we are also affected by that which we can not control.

We are susceptible to days full of the number three and people named Paul.  We are susceptible to the same movie or song repeating ad nauseum throughout our pilgrimage to tomorrow.

There will always be patterns that are beyond our control, but until those patterns dictate us, it is all just a game.

Be aware.  Look for those patterns, and allow them to expand your current horizons.  The best way to deal with the random, is to make it mundane.

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