Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Story-A-Day #229: Powdered Guru


It's funny, but I don't really recall the moment it came to pass. My transition to a healthier lifestyle was fairly gradual.

I cut back on the drinking first, then I quit smoking, then I cut out red meat. Eventually I cut out all meat and meat byproducts entirely, including dairy.

I started working out - jogging at first, then swimming, then triathlons. It was probably three years after it all started when I reached the top of my game. I was always first.

It was around that same time that I realized how far I had come; how much I had changed.

The physical change was immediately obvious. I was a sheath of taut muscle over a bony sword capable of cutting down all challengers.

I had changed mentally too though. I was focussed, and precise in every action and thought. I had almost developed a sense of spirituality.

The weird thing is, even with all these refinements and adjustments, it took me until this very moment to realize that I have traded everything and received almost nothing in return.

Even my food is all in powdered form now. I didn't set out to become this person, but here I am - a powdered guru of nothing.

I enjoy my new capabilities, but I miss the satisfaction of the old me. He was still a decent guy, and his lesser life remains something to be desired.

The life of a powdered guru is one where quiet success replaces bravado excess.

It is not for everyone, but for now, it works for me.

The blender calls out and I feel helpless to ignore it. I am a sailor washed up on the rocks by the sirens, hopeless against the call of a perfect life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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