She kept it all inside her, under lock and key
She blocked it from her mind so she wouldn't have to see
Storing her past was a physical mechanism, a way to take pieces of her life that she no longer wanted, and lose them in her shed. It wasn’t necessarily bad things that she locked away in that secret place, just things she no longer needed on a day-to-day basis.
The memory of first time she kissed a boy was in that shed, stored in the form of a fuzzy pink sweater. It had been an awkward kiss, yet kind of sweet at the same time. Still, compared to her second kiss, with the same boy at that, it just wasn’t worth keeping around. Some things were better off forgotten.
Her grandmother’s collection of creepy china dolls was better off forgotten.
The books and toys of her childhood, while sweetly nostalgic, were better packed away in boxes and locked into the shed.
Algebra was better forgotten, even though the equations were harder to shake loose from her mind than most of other memories and facts that bounced around in there.
Thomas Ian Cantin was definitely best forgotten. In fact, Thomas was the reason she had built the shed in the first place. She had been so fond of Thomas, with his curly golden locks, and sky blue eyes. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and yet, he had never seen her. She had never existed until that one fateful evening in November, and even then, he only really saw her for a few seconds.
She had stared down at him as his life slowly flowed from the gaping slice she had etched across his throat and in that moment, he finally saw her. Then he died.
He was buried under the shed now and on top of his remains she had built her shrine to the paltry things best forgotten. Memories, people, possessions, all tucked away in the musty recesses of her particleboard depository, safely guarded under lock and key.
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