Do you ever have one of those days where you become so fixated on something that it takes over your entire world? Maybe you think of a person and then you keep thinking about that person for pretty much the whole day straight. And then you get a phone call from them later that night and you tell them how weird it was because you were thinking about them all day.
Maybe you see this really cool thing in a television show and for the rest of the day, that’s all you can think about. Sometimes it might just be a really cool explosion. Sometimes it’s an awesome fight where a guy jumps through the air and shoots two guns and once to kill the bad guy. Sometimes it’s a girl in a kind of sexy outfit that just makes you wonder.
There are other times when you read a really good story and there is something that happens in it that is so cool, or sad, or scary that you can’t stop thinking about it. Like not even at night when you should be sleeping.
I have that happen all the time. My friends and I were playing at recess yesterday and we were talking about this part in our video game where you have to shoot this barrel thing and all these amazing things happen if you shoot it right. It was pretty cool.
Then we had a class that our parents had to sign a sheet about. It was called sex ed and out teacher was really red in the face when she explained why boys sometimes get hard down there and how girls have these parts with all these weird names that make eggs and that when a boy and a girl are old enough, and in love or married or something, the boy parts and the girl parts can fit together to make babies.
It was weird.
It’s not that I don’t think science is cool and stuff, but everywhere I look now, I see these shapes that are just like what is down there. It’s not like when you see someone’s underpants sticking out of their pant pants either, these are more like, artistic, or something.
Strange girly bits hidden in my parents’ plants, the ice outside, everywhere. I hope I’m not a pervert sicko or something now because it’s really starting to freak me out. I need a good explosion to clear my thinking. That might make things better.