Friday, July 22, 2011

Story-A-Day #253: A Girlfriend


A girlfriend is someone you love unequivocally and endlessly.

She might last a month, or maybe for years, but even when she leaves she is with you.

A girlfriend is someone you laugh with, you cry with, you grow with, and fight with. You do all these things because you care.

A girlfriend helps you become a better person. She points out your flaws, calls out your mistakes.

A girlfriend helps you when you need it, supports you through the rougher times.

She lives you and makes you laugh. She surprises you each an every day.

My girlfriend is all of these things and more. She is beautiful, passionate, creative and goofy.

She is not afraid to challenge me, to force me to grow. She is not afraid to laugh at me, and always quick to laugh with me.

She is stunning and surprising and youthful yet wise.

My girlfriend is my housemate, my soulmate, and the love of my life. She is my friend, with benefits - but more than just the ones you are thinking of.

My girlfriend is awesome.

Happy Birthday Jaymee! xox

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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