Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Story-A-Day #236: Bear Necessities


It looks a little weathered now, but the message stands true: beware of bears.

It is nice living near the forest, but that proximity to nature brings with it a proximity to all things wild. Raccoons are common visitors, as are deer, and skunks, and birds, and at times even bears.

I've seen them all in this neighborhood, sometimes up close and very personal. The thing is, there are simple tricks to help avoid unwanted encounters.

Not providing enticements is a big one. Even the wildest of creatures will seek out a simple fix for their base needs. Why scavenge for food when you can seek out a buffet that is already prepared?

Of them all, bears are the most likely to seek out a quick fix. That's why you see them at dumps and landfills, they have an inherent laziness that draws them to food.

Edible items in your yard will draw them close as they seek out the bear necessities, a quick easy eat. Berries or dropped bits of barbecue both work the same.

I can hear a snuffling, shuffling in the woods right now. I can feel the shadowy beast returning once more.

The shotgun in my lap is locked and loaded and with any luck I will have my revenge.

I close my eyes, only briefly, and I see the remains of my dog Dug. He was brave, loyal, and caring, and then he was gone - snapped up in the jaws of a scavenging bear and tossed to pieces.

Tonight I will avenge Dug though. I will blast a hole through that vile beast in the name of self defense.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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