Sunday, December 18, 2011

Story-A-Day #402: Scotch Bonnet


"I usually drink beer, but every now and then I like to venture into a different kind of buzz.  It's funny, but different types of alcohol really do deliver different experiences."

"A beer buzz tends to be fairly sedate.  It is a steady course that adds new layers with each drink, but the end result usually ends up being one that results in sloppy slurs.  It is a messy drunk, but a peaceful one for the most part.  The problem with beer is you don't ususally realize you have had too much until it all starts foaming back up."

"Wine is a whole different experience.  Wine tends to be a bit of a wild ride.  The only time I really get wine drunk is during family dinners.  Corks pop, the wine flows, and the volume steadily rises.  Wine can make some people angry, but for others, it just becomes a flush cheeked trek into oblivion.  The problem with wine is that as fun as the ride can be, the morning is usually a nightmare.  Killer headaches, odd gaps in memory, and the most curiously unsettled stomach."

She stared at him for a moment, not too sure what he was trying to get at, then finally smiled.  "So what's it going to be then, a shot of Jaeger?"

"Tonight, I am looking to embrace the scotch bonnet," he replied.

"I'm sorry?"  So far, she had to admit that this was one of the weirder people to step into the bar tonight.

"One of my favourite buzzes is the kind that comes from a nice top shelf scotch.  I'll start with the Cragganmore if you don't mind."

She smiled.  "And the bonnet part of the equation?"

"That's just the feeling it gives my head, like a warm lid is engulfing it," he replied.  "Can you make the first a triple please?"

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