Friday, May 13, 2011

Story-A-Day#183: Thirteen


I woke up at six in the morning, just as the email had instructed. My hope was that it was all an elaborate hoax, but it soon became clear that it was not the case.

Today was my unlucky day, that's what my sponsors told me. I would have thirteen challenges to complete in thirteen hours.

This was supposed to make me a better, stronger person, but little did I realize how high the stakes would be.

The first challenge, not without it's risks, was simple enough: get from point A to point B in a half hour. I made it with a few minutes to spare, and actually had the gumption to feel good about my accomplishment.

The challenges quickly escalated though - so far, I have kicked a dog, shoplifted from a non-franchise convenience store, knocked over an elderly person, destroyed a stolen car and worse.

Each demand was more heinous than the one that came before, but what choice did I have really? This is a do or die situation.

The last challenge was the worst of all. I did not think I could do it, not in a million years, but there are times when you have to do things that are bad, or uncomfortable, in order to achieve the better good.

And I did. Tonight, I killed a man and I did it because I had no other choice. Kill or be killed. If it was just my life, I would have given it, bit I had a wife and three children to consider.

And that's how I got to where I am right now. I know you would prefer a little more detail, but this is all have to tell at the moment.

I killed man, but that was almost four hours ago, which was almost half hour past six.

I did not complete my objectives, and now I stand the risk of losing it all. I've been on the run for a while, and all I know now, is to look for the next sign.

Will they, won't they?

The sign on the convenience store does nothing to ease my mind: 24-hour surveillance. It doesn't matter where I go, because they are watching.

I have missed my target. Regardless of the results, they will find me. I need to get home and I need to get us away.

I will won't become a loser.

24-Hour Surveillance on the sign is one thing, but I know the last part of the sign wasn't there earlier: You are being watched.

That is when the first shot rang out. It nicked my ear and as I ran, I could feel all hope running down my neck.

Happy Friday the 13th. As long as I can outrun the sniper, I might have a chance.


The next hour will be the decider for sure. Do or die. With any luck, I will be home soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Durril St,North Bay,Canada

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